Whatever You Grow Up to Be, written by Karen Kingsbury and illustrated by Valeria Docampo, is a delightful little book that tells the journey of a mother and her boy from the time he is a little baby until he is married with a baby of his own.
A mother's love is like no other. When a tiny baby comes into her life, a Mom has no idea how this little guy will change her life. But as Karen Kingsbury writes, "Ten little toes right from the start, make footprints on your mommy's heart!"
In this book, as the boy grows, a variety of possible future occupations are seen, all of which are viewed by the mother's watchful eye. She has no way of knowing how the story of his life will actually play, but her love will support him in whatever he grows up to be.
The book cycles around through his life and ends with him getting married and having a baby boy of his own. Once again, the mother discovers that those "Ten little toes, right from the start make footprints on his grandma's heart."
The illustrations are bright and colorful and would be attractive to a child's eyes. Children can identify with the occupations this little boy is "trying out". Each two-page spread also includes a verse of Scripture. The only slight downside to this book is that the verses are very small and in
a light print. I almost missed them!
Since my "baby boy" is getting married in July, I read through this book with tears in my eyes. Time goes by so quickly and I found myself reminiscing as I saw my own little boy in many of situations. I was pleased to see a mother portrayed as a loving and supportive person throughout her child's life. I would recommend it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from the BookLook blogger program in exchange for my honest review.